Hyperbolic Stretching Book | PDF Download


Hyperbolic stretching book itself is divided into 2 ways: dynamic and static. Dynamic stretching is an activity that is accompanied by movement when the muscles are stretched, and static stretching is an activity without movement where we wait for 10 seconds in the muscle’s maximum range of movement. Dynamic stretching increases range of movement and conditions the muscles to prevent stiffness during excessive exercise, while static stretching increases muscle flexibility and strength. Hyperbolic stretching has been proven by many athletes who use this method, making it very interesting for increasing flexibility.


The actual difference between regular stretching and hyperbolic stretching is how we do it. Regular stretching only trains our muscles and increases the range of movement to become more flexible. But in hyperbolic stretching, we do stretching when our muscles are activated to do maximum range movement. This condition lasts for about 10 seconds when our muscles are activated to prevent serious injury during stretching. This is because our muscles are controlled by nerves, and if the nerves receive a message that we are doing something risky and can get injured, our muscles will respond to reduce the possibility of injury. This method is very effective for increasing muscle flexibility because it only takes 2 minutes to do each stretching and only needs to be done 4 days a week.

This book consists of a lot of material on how to do stretching in the best way, so you can increase your flexibility. This book will use the Hyperbolic Method. First, you must know what hyperbolic stretching is. The history of hyperbolic stretching comes from ancient yoga practice in India, and then the technique was discovered by some ballet dancers in Russia. This method was used to rapidly increase flexibility. After yoga practice, dancers would go to bed and try passive stretching to increase muscle flexibility in targeted areas. Then they would wake up and feel something different with their flexibility because their stretching at that moment was different from the stretching activity they did while awake. They felt more flexible than with their regular stretching activity.

Welcome to the Hyperbolic Stretching book. Learn every single aspect about hyperbolic stretching, a superb way to improve flexibility. What is flexibility actually? It is not only about doing some stretching and achieving a high level of splits or something like that. Flexibility is about our muscle flexibility throughout our body. As we get older, our muscle flexibility usually decreases, which is not good for our health.

What is hyperbolic stretching?

Let’s talk a little bit about what is happening when your muscles are being stretched. If we try to explain it very simply, then while doing stretching exercises, microfiber tears of the muscles are being removed and replaced or filled with more flexible muscle tissue. This process is not quick, that’s why normal stretching exercises can take a really long time to increase your range of motion. But we have learned a way to affect this process faster and easier. This whole process was covered by principles of stretching in the main article of our site, so for a better understanding of the following stretching techniques, we advise you to read it.

Hyperbolic stretching is a series of specialized stretching techniques that are designed to increase your flexibility and the range of motion in your hips. This program is also suitable for other body areas, but its main goal is to prepare your body for splits. We should say that our approach is different from usual yoga and Pilates stretching exercises. These exercises were collected while we were trying to understand the mechanisms and principles of stretching and how to affect them. We personally wanted to achieve more flexibility for doing side and front splits.

Benefits of hyperbolic stretching

The hyperbolic stretching technique involves dynamic stretching. In the same way dynamic is superior to static stretching, dynamic is also superior to hyperbolic due to the momentum used in the stretches. However, static stretching will help relax the muscles after the intense stretches from dynamic and hyperbolic stretching. This makes static stretching a complimentary method of stretching for hyperbolic stretching. Static stretching softens and lengthens connective tissues while relaxing the nervous system. Static stretching is not done for long durations, only 15 seconds in positions that target only the tight muscle groups. A 15-second stretch is considered effective and anything more than 60 seconds is losing benefit and becoming potentially detrimental.

Hyperbolic stretching is a method of stretching that comes with a host of benefits over traditional, static stretching. These benefits include faster gains in flexibility, increased flexibility in hard to target muscles, and a greater flexibility translates to a higher quality of life. Traditional static stretching had always been thought of as the best method to improve flexibility, but Christopher Sommer, the founder of Building the Gymnastic Body, changed his mind after seeing the results of a fellow coach. This coach combined both static and dynamic stretching methods on his athletes. Two groups of athletes were formed and each group targeted the same muscle groups, but the athletes that used dynamic methods in their stretching showed a much greater improvement in flexibility. Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching beneficial in sports utilizing momentum from form, and the momentum from static active stretching strength, in an effort to propel the muscle into an extended range of motion.

Since the dawn of time, stretching techniques have helped humans improve their flexibility. When we say “stretching”, we might not be talking about the same techniques. Most likely, you’re thinking of static stretching that improves muscle mobility. Static stretching has a history of having long duration with minimal intensity. These stretches involve holding positions that target specific muscles. Static stretching can help your muscles relax and can also improve lower back pain and posture, but may not translate to better body movement during physical activities or relieve joint discomfort.

How hyperbolic stretching can improve flexibility

Dynamic stretch kicking is known to be effective for increasing leg flexibility where high kicks are required. This is achieved by kicking a leg into its maximum range of motion, then upon impact, the nervous impulse or static contraction is sent to the stretching muscles and they will automatically contract trying to kick the leg further. This progresses into the PNF technique.

Hyperbolic stretching starts with the isometric contraction of a particular muscle or group of muscles (the ones being stretched) for approximately 15 seconds, then relaxing and passively stretching the muscle, as in the standard stretching exercises. This is repeated for 3-5 times and then moving on to a different group of muscles. This has a quick effect on muscle flexibility which can increase drastically in a few weeks.

Flexibility is one of the key ingredients to being an athlete. Hyperbolic stretching will help you get there, even if you are not currently athletic. Hyperbolic stretching uses your brain in a unique way to increase flexibility without a decrease in muscle strength. This occurs by targeting the anxiety muscle and increasing its relaxation capacity. This means that the muscle will be able to stretch further and still be able to contract as hard as normal. Using the technique, the muscle memory is reset and then the new lengthened state is saved, so your muscles will still be able to contract powerfully.


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